Miku BrasileiraFizzizzsoDA on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/fizzizzsoda/art/Miku-Brasileira-1092478944FizzizzsoDA

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Miku Brasileira



On today’s episode of “Art Trends that Fizzizz May or may not be late to”, I went ahead and drew the Brazil Miku people have been drawing as of recent.

This actually took me days to finish.. like almost a full week as of now.. and I think that’s mainly due to how more complex her design is. With that said genuinely glad how this turned out, plus I got to get out of my comfort zone more particularly with the eyes and posing.

(Both of which I have to experiment with more lol.)

Hatsune Miku (C) Crypton Future Media

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3200x1900px 1.37 MB
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What actually happened it was when I was bored scrolling on Tik Tok videos and than I did saw the Brazil race version of Hatsune Miku if you all don't know who that is Hatsune Miku is a Japanese music sensation, a 16 year-old blue-haired girl with a unique voice and prodigious energy. What makes her special is that she is not a human singer, but a virtual persona who uses a computer-generated voice and 3D graphics to perform on stage. Anyway when I first seen this trending I felt like something was wrong so I commented about my feelings about this issue I said that why I keep seeing different types of Hatsune Miku I was very very confused I wasn't being racist or being a dick about it I felt like it was odd to see different race of Miku yes she is a Japanese woman figure they say she is not actually human so of course everyone loves her

People didn't like my comment and I keep saying that why you all abused her like that and sexually harassed her and what's fuck up she is 16 years old yes I did draw her once or twice one is actually Dr Zomboss dress up as Miku and also I did made a OC Zombie name Miku but she is not my OC anymore people hated my

OC and I just killed her scrapped and give her away bc a dumb Ass minor stolen my 4 OC

characters So what I said about Miku and how other race of people made her sexual identity as their own races I feel like a complete idiot and I was moody and bloody so I apologize for saying that stupid stuff about Miku I was wrong and I wish I can make it up to you all including the people I blocked on this app tbh I really appreciate it if I can draw Miku too but I am afraid to be she's fucking 17 years old not 18 and I don't believe you can change a actual anime characters age be they already have birthdays that exist and Hatsune Miku has been sexually abused by perverts and creeps and the adult art is actually a Minor sexual harassment and yes she is not real but think about it she is not a adult anime character she is a minor ok you all believe it is ok NO IT IS NOT but again I apologize for saying that she is being abused by artists in different countries you do what ever da fuck yiu want with her just do not post abused art on the internet ok that all I ask god bless you all lam very sorry I hate myself