PMD Club-Stars To MarsFire-Star-Bird on DeviantArt

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PMD Club-Stars To Mars



Greetings from Fullmoon Lake! Full Moon Emoticon 
Back in August, I decided to take a 'storyboard mission' for the :iconpokemon-md-club:. It has been a long process (complete with tablet malfunctions and scanner difficulties) but here it is. Thanks go to everyone who let me use their characters. I may add/clean up the image more...but not this morning. 'Tired' Revamp 

"The Stars to Mars" Inn was little more than a bar wedged between other establishments of questionable business practices on the east side of Intelleaf. This area was very different than the heart of the city the guild had passed through just the other day. They were in the slums, perhaps a place not unlike one that pushed Lyre the Sableye to commit atrocities just to escape it. Despite Azure assuring the guild that she knew the owner - an eroded Lunatone with a deep crack in his rocky exterior across his right side - the guild still recognized some of the patrons from their mug shots at Spark's guild.
Let's see...
Blizzard the Sneasel recognized several of the criminals presents and really wants to get down for a fight. She's owned by :iconvelveteen-vixen:, and
Piplup of Team Blue (owned by :iconbtalbot:) is trying to keep Blizzard from doing anything rash.
Roman the Vivillon (Team LunaFlare, owned by :iconmad-zazzy:) is perched on the head of Hidawxi the Chikorita (Go Star Storm, owned by :iconseriesartiststarter:). Both are startled by where they're going to be staying, but Hidawxi is staying calm. Certain animals flash their colors or try to make themselves seem bigger when confronted by predator, and Roman was going to do that, but his wings ended up taking up too much space so they got clipped down.
And Morgana the Fennekin is mine (Team Templar, :iconfire-star-bird:!). She's freaked out by the 'criminals'. More info about Morgana can be found here.

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793x1296px 1.42 MB
© 2017 - 2025 Fire-Star-Bird
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Ama-Encyclopika's avatar
I LOVE THIS. Fantastic job!!! The Lunatone is perfect!