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As everyone knows, Zabuza was killed in one of the episodes of Naruto. In my story, he becomes a Hollow and joins the arrancars. Sorry if it annoys any of you with the sight of Zabuza

aargh I'm so tensed-up now, can't even think straight at the moment
I intend to submit it as it is (without modifications), as I may be progressing to alter it anytime I feel I'm ready

But actually I wanted to do a manga-style artwork.... I also should have started off straightaway with colours instead of pencil

Anyway if anyone interested in colouring the artwork, Note me or send message to me in the forum (I won't state which, only some of you know which forum I'm referring to). Any prob with this? Don't tell me

And I did this to break free from my mundane research, am not in a good mood so hence the (weird) idea of sketching this...

Image size
4027x4473px 2.01 MB
Omg my only favorite Naruto character (who comes in a bundle with Haku) and one of my favorite Bleach chara~. And I seriously thought of drawing Zabuza as a Hollow too, maybe I will, it's just him with a whole in his body somewhere lol.
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