Simon says #7FinikArt on DeviantArt

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Simon says #7


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Heya, guys! Missed our "Simon says" game?

Here's your ideas that was picked:
- Elias looking for his crown, while Bean stole it;
- Infinite laughing maniacally while Sonic just watches, unimpressed;
- Sally, Bunnie and Nicole having a slumber party;
- Sonic and Sally sharing a milkshake.
Sonic the Hedgehog, Infinite the Jackal, Bean the Dynamite (c) Sega Games Company Limited Icon ultramini 1/2Sega Games Company Limited Icon ultramini 2/2 Sonic Team (wordmark,1998-) Icon ultramini 1/2Sonic Team (wordmark,1998-) Icon ultramini 2/2 
Elias Acorn, Sally Acorn, Nicole the Holo-lynx, Bunnie Rabbot (c) Archie comics

Image size
2481x3509px 2.55 MB
© 2018 - 2025 FinikArt
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Masterob's avatar

I like the designs you have for Sally and Elias. Looks like a Reboot style mixed with some classic stuff. It's also nice seeing Elias in general, and good knowing that he wasn't forgotten about.

The idea of Sally having a slumber party with Bunnie and Nicole makes sense since they're two of her best friends.

The Sonally moment here was a great bonus too. The two match so well.

That Infinite moment was good too. He looks pretty high on himself. As he would be.