Art Trade - Animal AU Cloud StrifeFinchCritter on DeviantArt

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Art Trade - Animal AU Cloud Strife



Frikin' FINALLY! Yo everyone!!! I'm not dead!!

Momentarily freed from the grips of academia and procrastinating, I FINALLY got some time to finish this guy! And darn, did I ever have fun drawing him! Took a while though Sweating a little... 

This is MelonSeed11's Animal AU version of Cloud Strife from Final Fantasy 7, which she asked me to draw for an art trade like a month ago. Eech, I'm so sorry it took so long!! Stuff like this usually doesn't take this long!!

It was interesting to draw the sci-fi-like style clothes for a change, not to mention a coydog version of Cloud :D And yes, this has EVERYTHING to do with the recent release of the FF7 Remake. Considering the fact that Final Fantasy is practically an amalgamation of everything I like about Kingdom Hearts (with the exception of the Sea Salt Trio), you'd expect me to be much more into Final Fantasy. Funny how I'm just getting into it though. If only I knew sooner...

I don't have a Playstation, so right now I'm just stuck with watching the playthroughs, (not that it's a particularly bad thing, I won't have to get stuck on hard levels ;) and I'm about three and a half hours in so far. Got a lot of watching to do lol.

Here's a transparent, unshaded version of Cloud:
BG-less Cloud

, I am SO sorry for taking so long with my half of the art trade, and thank you for being so patient!

Cloud Strife (c) Square Enix
Image size
3315x2363px 2.8 MB
© 2020 - 2025 FinchCritter
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