
For Posterity [One-Shot]

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Curran took quick breaths, pausing in the woods on the outskirts of town, and searched for the two heretics he was chasing. While he was in the marketplace, he’d spotted the suspect from the Church’s dossier travelling with another companion. They matched the description and photograph perfectly, so Curran knew he needed to catch up with them fast. When he started to get close, they left down some dark alleys, but Curran couldn’t decide if it was because they were in a hurry or if they’d spotted him. He hoped it was the former. If they’d noticed him, they could be leading him into a trap… but to be honest, he was having a difficult time keeping up with them, so that ruled out that theory. Even so, an inquisitor should be calmer and smarter than to fall for such a poorly veiled trap. However, there was a time limit. These two heretics in particular were planning to attack and kill many townsfolk in the name of their god. As this had some religious motivations, Curran was brought
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Curran is against the clock to stop these heretics before they do something absolutely despicable. When they decide to start their plans early, Curran has little choice except to bust in, guns blazing, and stop them. It doesn't go to plan... and even later... it goes even less according to plan. 

Big thank you to @/KarpDeluxe on Twitter. I really appreciate being asked to write content for Curran (especially concerning his husband Heinwald). I'll have to work hard to keep writing Dragalia Lost content, but I intend to. 
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