Roulette~Figgarow on DeviantArt

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Figgarow's avatar




My heart is burning …and singing. Why is it?
A painted future, this sky is soaring!
Can I fly to the sky?
Can I get my dreams to come true? Come on,
Place your bets!
Risk everything!

Ittoki Otoya/Ichinose Tokiya Duet - Roulette

Again I link to you our Narcon skit we did this summer, it's extremely fab and gay; [link] XD

Me, Hachi and Mako went to Stockholm over new years and we got to meet Mayo again! She's been in Japan for a couple of months so we were all very happy. ;3;
Aaaaand we couldn't miss the opportunity to finally get some Tokittoki(?) pictures that we've been talking about for foreveeer.
This picture is not that pairing-ish, but we got more comin!

Ichinose Tokiya - :iconmayo-chan:
Ittoki Otoya - :iconfiggarow:
Photography, editing and awesome fangirling ;D - :iconkungartano:
Thanks to :iconmimixum: for helping me with my wig a bit(<3)I always have a hard time styling my own wigs ;3;

:iconjarofcloudscosplay: - :iconcrapcosplay:
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© 2013 - 2025 Figgarow
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