Wow, I haven't been on here in a while and I see a lot has changed. I went and fixed up my profile and my bio, and will work on fixing up my gallery since I haven't posted anything new in a while.
I've been keeping myself busy with my small business and with going to conventions. If you're in the Orlando Florida area make sure to stop by next weekend at AFO and say hi!!
Back in May I was at the Megacon Orlando convention, I had two booths and I was afraid that it wouldn't go well since it was my first time getting two booths. I'm happy to say that the convention was a success and everyone liked my aprons and bats!! So I wanted to take the moment to thank everyone that stopped by at the booth, it was a wonderful convention and had lots of fun! I will be back next year with two booths again.Right now I'm in the process of putting my aprons and bats up for sale on my Etsy store.You can also get all my updates on: Instagram Twitter Tumblr I have lots of plans for new items to add to my shop and...
How's it possible for it to be the second month of 2018 already?! Is it just me, or does time go by extremely quickly?
For this year I am planning to attend more conventions, not only as a vendor, but I'm also going to be going in the artist alley!! I'm really excited about it and hope to keep expanding my art and business! I'm happy to announce that I have finally opened my tictail shop !!
I'm also planning to make a patreon page and working out the possible tiers I can offer. This year I really want to focus on my art and not just on the crafts. I will keep everyone updated as soon as I have more news! For now please make sure to f...
hello, thank you for using this icon I adapted to dA: , have a llama. There are some links that may be interesting for you: -Tips/FAQ #577:How do I use the Search?. With this one you can search emoticons of mine or works of other artists. -Here are some extra tips. -You don't need to watch me (+info). -If you need any icon tell me. -Also, you may want to have a look to this tip to have a cleaner comment section I hope this comment didn't bother you. greetings!
Hello there Please check out my gallery if you have time. I don't receive many comments and faves so I'd appreciate it if you leave a comment to some of my deviations Here are some links to my gallery:……
Please accept my tardy welcome and sincere apologies for my lateness. I am honored that the group continued to flourish!
Thank you so very much for joining... ...for all things cute! I hope that you enjoy your time with us! Have a nice day~!
We do not consider this spam, but simply a thank you and a welcome to our little community~! We held a group poll regarding this, and had an overwhelming amount of deviants vote towards sending these thanks. See here: Do not report, hide it if you do not want it seen. Do not cost your welcomer everything by getting them banned because they wanted to welcome you. Thank you.