Fanart - Morozova's Amplifiersfictograph on DeviantArt

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Fanart - Morozova's Amplifiers

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This one took a long time, but I finally finished Mal Oretsev from The Grisha Series by Leigh Bardugo - with all of Morozova's amplifiers *o*  Companion piece to Alina and the Darkling... and there's even more to come!

Also, my Kickstarter is still running if you wanted to check it out!

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647x1000px 220.15 KB
© 2014 - 2025 fictograph
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garlickkk's avatar
I found your picture just accidentally and I then began to google "The Grisha Trilogy" because I'm Russian and the strange Russian name of the character interested me (you know, "Morozova" is a female surname, and this character you drew is obviously a guy). Oh my, me and my friends had a lot of laughter reading the pseudo-Russian names, toponyms and terms invented by the author.
I have nothing against the author, the franchise or your fanart (the picture is really good, by the way), no offence intended. But I can't help laughing when I meet Russian words so ridiculously distorted and used in completely wrong way (for example, the name "Grisha" itself is a pet name, and it can be used to call a little boy or a close friend, and in the books Grisha is a name for an army!).
Well, I just want to say thank you for you introduce this very amusing fictional world to me!