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again, a silly silly. this time, recess! what I was pondering a while back, and decided to throw together a little image.
if you have any better suggestions, do tell and I'll probably add them to the image!
especially for TJ. he reminds me of someone, but I cannot for the life of me think who.
if you have any better suggestions, do tell and I'll probably add them to the image!
especially for TJ. he reminds me of someone, but I cannot for the life of me think who.
Image size
650x1252px 94.78 KB
© 2008 - 2025 fibralo
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wrong, wrong, wrong.
gus never had a southern accent. you don't just magically start speaking texas gibberish when you get older.
randall = moe ... meh, sort of. I'll let it slide. but chucky? no way. chuckie was always honest and loveable.
gus never had a southern accent. you don't just magically start speaking texas gibberish when you get older.
randall = moe ... meh, sort of. I'll let it slide. but chucky? no way. chuckie was always honest and loveable.