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For Glorious Equestria Stack
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anonymous's avatar
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Rayder3d's avatar
Witkacy1994's avatar
A co skumajo w takim razio?
Rayder3d's avatar
Nie jestem pewien.
FakeTsuki's avatar
Hi, just wanting to let you know that the deviation sent in by
was stolen from someone else.
This is the link to the wallpaper "he made".

When the owner asked it to be taken down or at least credited
he refused to, blocked the owner and proceeded to sell it.

The owner's :iconrariedash: 's original art:
Rariedash's statement on this theft:

So if you don't mind, please remove it, if you don't mind
make others who make MLP aware of this theif and check his
art for any other theft!

Thank you for your time!
Rayder3d's avatar
We won't do anything unless Rariedash himself will send us message to remove that wallpaper.

Also, update your info: in description of wallpaper Rariedsah is creadited as author of that vector.
FakeTsuki's avatar
he didn't have that before. Believe me.
And also Rariedash did state that in the journal she had written.
I believe I commented with the journal.

It's fine though.
The other party has removed the wallpaper.

Thank you for doing absolutely nothing.