Tired old man with an obsession with cartoons and comics.
Also present on fanfiction.net: www.fanfiction.net/~feudor
Current Residence: House with red wooden facade and white trimmings - very Swedish
Favourite genre of music: Anything goes, really: Old style Hard Rock, Progressive, TradJazz, Baroque and Classical...
Operating System: One of the Mac cats; though I'm stuck in XP
MP3 player of choice: Got myself an iPhone, so I'm good at the moment
Shell of choice: Big enough to hide in on bad days
Wallpaper of choice: Light green with stylized leaf motifs, the pre-glued kind.
Skin of choice: Any skin on the outside of a cat, preferably Xena who keeps intruding in my gallery...
Favourite cartoon character: Need you ask? Need I answer? Oh, OK then: Shego
Personal Quote: Nothing printable