FeudorLaurent's avatar


Lars Guldbrand
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Deviation Spotlight

  • Aug 29
  • Sweden
  • Deviant for 17 years
  • He / Him
Albino Llama: Llamas are awesome! (93)
I Heart DeviantArt Gear: Proud supporter of deviantGEAR
Bronze Fragment: If this was the Olympics, you’d have made the podium!
My Bio

Tired old man with an obsession with cartoons and comics.

Also present on fanfiction.net: www.fanfiction.net/~feudor

Current Residence: House with red wooden facade and white trimmings - very Swedish
Favourite genre of music: Anything goes, really: Old style Hard Rock, Progressive, TradJazz, Baroque and Classical...
Operating System: One of the Mac cats; though I'm stuck in XP
MP3 player of choice: Got myself an iPhone, so I'm good at the moment
Shell of choice: Big enough to hide in on bad days
Wallpaper of choice: Light green with stylized leaf motifs, the pre-glued kind.
Skin of choice: Any skin on the outside of a cat, preferably Xena who keeps intruding in my gallery...
Favourite cartoon character: Need you ask? Need I answer? Oh, OK then: Shego
Personal Quote: Nothing printable

Favourite Visual Artist
... and composer: Sorry, kids, no competition: Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750). A true genius!
Favourite Movies
Gee, I dunno... Anything by Tim Burton?
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Anyone from AC/DC to ZZ Top
Favourite Games
Favourite Gaming Platform
Living room table
Tools of the Trade
0,9 mm mechanical pencil, PC, scanner and Photoshop
Other Interests
Cartoons and comics, music, SF&Fantasy liiteratur. Oh, and cats!
So we went to the vet, who shaved a little and cleaned some wounds. Now, Xena is back to her normal, active, curious and friendly mood. Here, she is helping my wife sewing clothes, sitting in a box. Well, it is better than when she insist on sitting on the cloth itself. The shaved bits are on the backside of the cat in this view!
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Well, just visited my account again and found a lot of time has passed since last time. The previous Journal was an entry saying the Xena, our black cat, was better after having been attacked by some animal. And she has been alright since then. But yesterday, she got the stuffing beat our of her by a big strange cat, and now she is poorly again. One ear droops a bit, there are lots of tufts of hair missing and she has some bad scratches on different parts of her body. Will call the vet tomorrow!
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Xena is better!

0 min read
She is still limping a bit, and the bad news is that she has torn the  cruciate ligament s in both back legs.  The good news is that this will get better by itself. Cats, being light and nimble, can manage while a bigger dog, for instance would need surgery. So Xena doesn't have to have an operation and we don't need to a sum corresponding to about 5 000 dollars to have it done. The downside is that she is supposed to take it easy, and not go outside. This makes her very frustrated and she is constantly begging for attention with loud meowing!
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acla13's avatar
I hope you had a very
:icontv-h-plz::icontv-a-plz::icontv-p-plz::icontv-p-plz::icontv-y-plz: Party :iconpresentplz:Happy Birthday Grin :iconcelebration1plz::iconcelebration2plz:
:icontv-b-plz::icontv-i-plz::icontv-r-plz::icontv-t-plz::icontv-h-plz::icontv-d-plz::icontv-a-plz::icontv-y-plz:!!  :party: by catluvr2  :iconrainbowbummiecakeplz:
LoveRobin's avatar
1 year better!!
aliciamartin851's avatar
Happy birthday have a great day 🎁🎂🎉:hug:
AdrenalineRush1996's avatar
Austria-Man's avatar
Happy Birthday!
I hope, you'll have fun today.