Ferret-Owners's avatar


Years Ago
106 Members95 Watchers

Comments 16

anonymous's avatar
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ferret-nationrpg's avatar
As everyone is aware, real ferrets are amazing companions that take lots of time and commitment. Some people are unsure of whether a real ferret may be for them or not. If you are interested in adopting your own virtual ferrets, please keep on eye out for the grand opening over at :iconferretnationrpg:

That way those who love ferrets but are unsure of whether they really can handle a real one, can adopt virtual ones instead. As all people say over-and-over day-after-day, please think long and hard before adopting a real ferret as they do require lots of love and work <3
Amaranth18's avatar
Hello, I would really like some help and advise of ferret food:

Aya-Lunar's avatar
Hi there everyone! I have this cute page for my ferrets on facebook it would mean a great deal to me if you have a facbebook account if you would like it :) :heart:

Greetings! Aya x

Panda-kiddie's avatar
I'd like to announce that #FerretsKeepUsAlive is holding a "Funny ferrets' pranks" Contest! If you would like to participate, please join our group or visist the following link for more information ---> [link]
BrohoofsUnited's avatar
feel free to join if you love your pet and want to share your adorable pet pictures ^_^
TheHollster's avatar
May I join please? I love my ferret and them in general!:aww:
Krissyfawx's avatar
you should be able to join as a member :)