Parsley, SerenityFeriberri on DeviantArt

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Feriberri's avatar

Parsley, Serenity



Edit: Lightened it up! Sorry, forgot my monitor makes things look brighter then they actually are. ._.;;
Blarg, I've been working on this for a few days on and off now, and I still feel like it's not done, but I can't figure out why. At first I thought it was that the shadows weren't dark enough, but then there was too much contrast, but then there wasn't enough... you get the idea, I'm sure.

Parsley having a summer fling away from her husband. Also redesigned to fit into Rhea. Look! Fur! She's all cat like now! -dies-
Her constant need for companionship is sure to land her in trouble, but to be fair, being alone in a cottage for years on end in the middle of nowhere could probably turn a few lesser willed people insane. It's why she originally had her ferret Soybean, but developing her character meant making her more of the reclusive, silent woman I wanted her to be. I had considered making her mute on more then one occasion, but decided that it would make the challenge of her character a little too easy, thus she just speaks little now. Toss in a long arse RP's with Emmoraith and there you have it.

Anyways, I'm done coloring for a while. I'm going to doodle away the rest of my brain on paintchat now~ wheeeeee....

Parsley's my OC, Emmoraith is Scythed's
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2441x1732px 1.68 MB
© 2011 - 2025 Feriberri
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