Star Wars Ship DesignFerain on DeviantArt

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Star Wars Ship Design



This is a light freighter/supply runner, big enough to fit an X-Wing or A-Wing in one of it’s hangar bays, mostly used to quickly get decent quantities of small cargo from a to b. It’s got quite the hyper-drive and is well-armed with 4 manned turrets and a few surprises up its sleeve.

I've wanted to try my hand at a Star Wars ship design for a while now. The most difficult thing was to come up with a shape that would fit the design language. SW ships have some pretty simple geometries for the most part, which are then combined for effect and greebled up like crazy in the gaps between larger surfaces. So the better approach to get a purpose-built feel for this instead was to design it from the inside out, figuring out the layout and then drawing a hull around that.

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