Witchy Whale Watching CommFelonDog on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/felondog/art/Witchy-Whale-Watching-Comm-642594006FelonDog

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Witchy Whale Watching Comm



Say that title three times fast. XD 

Finished Halloween YCH from this batch: Halloween Themed YCH Batch by FelonDog (The other two are still available if anyone wants to claim them. -wink, wink-) 

For :iconwhalewolf: 
This one was certainly fun to do. Hope you don't mind I turned the original fireball into a fire whale. It seemed like something the character would create from fire magic. :D 
Hope you like it! :)  
Image size
1000x1448px 1.13 MB
© 2016 - 2025 FelonDog
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Luna-the-Zekrom's avatar
:star::star::star::star::star-half: Overall
:star::star::star::star::star: Vision
:star::star::star::star::star: Originality
:star::star::star::star::star-half: Technique
:star::star::star::star::star: Impact

You did an wonderful job with this piece! The detail in the fur texture is amazing, the background is beautiful, and the overall composition is creative, with a hint of eeriness that suits the Halloween theme very nicely.

I'm really impressed with the way you conveyed the lighting in this piece. The overall blue-ish look of the fur on the face, chest, and paw looks great, as does the angle of the lighting. I especially like the reflection in the eyes and the glossy shine on the bottom of the hat. The way even the background is tinted blue gives the piece a foggy, ethereal look.

As for the extremely minor details, I like the way the necklace disappears underneath the fur at some places; that's something that that most artists (including me) wouldn't really think about. The way the blue lighting along the rim of the hat doesn't continue around the entire circumference, focusing on the part closest to the light source, is also a nice touch.

However, the blue outline of the ears and the top part of the hat doesn't make sense considering the source of the lighting. I can tell that you added that to make them stand out from the background, but I think they would still look fine without it. If they did blend in a little too much without the outline, extending the fog higher onto the page to encompass them might be a better way to handle the problem.

As for other small details regarding the lighting, I think the whiskers should be reflecting the light the way the rest of the fur in that area does; the solid contrast with the muzzle makes them look a little flat. I also think that the charm on the necklace should have a blue-ish shine to it, though that's admittedly hard to do without making it look greener rather than gold.

And while I'm nitpicking, the shading around the tendons on the back of the paw looks a little too dark, and is inconsistent because you didn't include it on the last finger to the right.

All these things are extremely small, though, and don't take much away from the picture as a whole.

Overall, this is a highly enjoyable piece. Like I said before, I really like the eyes and ghostly look. This picture is fun and does a great job conveying the mood and spirit of Halloween. Keep up the great work!