The real me (Felix): I was brought up near a large ancient forest in England, and went to a boy's school with woods nearby. When my parents divorced my mum came to North America where we live in a huge city, and if you try to get into the forests the mosquitos eat you. I miss the old forests in England.
The fantasy me (Nulayondo): I am an elf, and I live in an ancient hidden forest where many other mythical creatures also live. Occasionally we leave the forest to have fun with humans.
Thank for the favourites, watch and kind comments. Paul sends kisses too
Haha! Smoochies for Pauly! I do like doing it with other girly boys too!
You have made a wonderfully expressive collection of images. I understand your penchant for the English woods, the legends and mysteries of the moorlands of the old Isles.
How is it that you can write novels in so many completely different languages. German, Hungarian, Japanese, not exactly related languages. I will read the German texts. I will then give you some feedback.
Thank you! I'm afraid that they are all Google Translations! A number of readers had said that they used translation software, so I thought it would just be easier if I provided them!
What I've seen of your texts so far in the German version is pretty good.
Did you do that with Google Translater? I would recommend DeepL (no ads, I'm a basic user!). It works better. I use it for my own texts. There is a free version for normal users (who don't have too long texts). But unfortunately you have to proofread that too. And for that you need to know the basics of the other language again.
That's just a tip.
I actually write in Google Docs, then check it in Grammarly, then put it back into Google docs, and translate it from there.
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