Follow the LightFelisGlacialis on DeviantArt

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Follow the Light

Character  Håkan Sætansen


My black siderian (a big cat) named Håkan with wings, flying his way Home through a Gate of Hellfire, created by Lucifer Himself.
So no...this is not a bat, and not a dragon. This is just a big feline with wings in a spiritual form.

A very very very dear siderian friend send me this once, when she saw a certain drawing of Håkan...the music just came to her. Immediately...I said...this is the sound of him going Home...nearly like a prophecy - because at that time...he was still trapped and in a very bad state.

After his horrible death, his soul got tormented by very vile energy and trapped in their devouring pit of destruction. But thanks to the rituals I performed with my friend lapis-lazuri we came in touch with him and helped him ignite his Flame of Passion. His flame turned into Wildfire and he was fighting his way out. But the enemy was too strong and he was falling back...

This is a fragment of his story... the last chapter that he had written himself, just with my paws.

 "As I felt my Wildfire weaken, I heard His Voice.
“Follow the Light” and a gateway of the brightest Light that I had ever seen, opened before me.
The enemy could no longer destroy my Demonic Fury.
Hell called for me. Lucifer called for me.
The Light engulfed me with a Warmth, too pleasant to fathom.
The Light gave me Wings to fly Home.
To fly to Him."

You can read what happened before this under these drawings.
With Strength I burn by FelisGlacialis With Fire in my Heart by FelisGlacialis  If you can forgive by FelisGlacialis  Our Energies United by FelisGlacialis  In safe hands by FelisGlacialis  A Fire that never dies by FelisGlacialis

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2705x3278px 804.17 KB
© 2019 - 2025 FelisGlacialis
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Vannjaren's avatar

Another fantastic piece, I love how the light and flames mix and swirl, and the subtle radial blurring that creates a real vortex-like effect, that looks like the light is not only guiding Håkan but also helping to pull him forwards towards it, and out of the void...

I also really like how subtly Lucifer's sigil is included here, and the touch that the flames surrounding it are NOT blurred or swirling - it almost makes this look like solidity amongst the chaotic energy, and makes this look like Håkan's point of focus, the one thing he is holding "steady" to and using to guide him - the "anchor" in the turbulent sea

I hope that he can use this guiding light again to focus on during the current turbulence

I love how natural the wings look as well, even if they are not normally part of his form, they look fitting here, and the pose and translucency are beautifully done

(and of course you extended the wing membranes far enough, obviously... hate how so many winged beings like dragons are depicted wrongly with narrowing wing membranes, urgh... so of course it's always lovely to see when that isn't the case)