
A love Beyond Code (Indigo Park Game)

Deviation Actions

fefe46's avatar

Literature Text

 1 Rambley Raccoon

If he was alive and breathing, he’d feel sick to his stomach, but this was the only way to become free. For the first time in eight years, Rambley wasn’t alone, yet his fear of ending up alone again ultimately pushed him to the extreme.

The past few hours had been very eventful with his human companion…a person who managed to come to Indigo Park: not to vandalize, but to help the raccoon make the place great again for future guests!

For the first time since he could remember: Rambley felt alive. Unfortunately, he wasn’t a living creature, but a digital avatar…and the displays that lay throughout the park that he used to project himself were his prison. Heck, he really wasn’t a raccoon to begin with…it’s just what he was made into…what he was programmed to be. The AI was supposed to be the mascot in digital form…help guests the best way he can and provide them the best experience a guest deserves at a theme park. Yet, as the years passed, and he had all the time to think alone…Rambley took on a slightly alternate personality. He was still the lovable, quite childish, caretaker…but he developed a disgust for Llyod which wasn’t originally programmed, and he tended to be a bit more sarcastic than before. It made sense, for he was no ordinary AI. His creators had the bright idea to give him the capacity to learn and grow to better help guests. Yet, the human technicians just had to be needlessly cruel and leave him online just after they left…of course, they DID leave in a hurry before the gates closed one last time…he wasn’t sure why. And it seemed as though in their pursuit of creating the ultimate AI companion for the park…they understood the implications it would bring to becoming detrimental to people. Case and point, they restricted his access to certain tasks and ability to run the park…only allowing certain things to be run by administrators…HUMAN workers.

Now that he had a person helping him, Rambley now had access to other places in the park other than the entrance, and thanks to his new friend…the restrictions were now, mostly, gone.

And so, there the “raccoon” was…luring the unsuspecting human into a trap of sorts…though Rambley himself wasn’t quite sure what that meant. Either way, after being by himself for so long…the AI didn’t want to risk ending up alone again.

If he could have a physical form, he could take matters into his own paws, and actually get the park up and running again better than anyone else could. Not to brag or anything, but he has detailed files on how to do so. He’ll be able to undo all the mistakes that the company has made to Indigo Park, and make it into something better than it was before! M-maybe, this human’s consciousness wouldn’t go away…maybe he and Rambley could share minds…that’d be TWICE the computing power!

The machine led the young adult male into a testing chamber of sorts: it is where human technicians worked on new tech and upgrades for keeping the park in tip-top shape! There was a headset that was connected to a series of tubes leading into several mainframes on the wall.

The idea was: to try and get an employee to use the headset and imitate Rambley’s movements and speech patterns (with image projection) to interact with guests…no AI input obviously. Digital Puppetry was all the rage before the AI boom of the twenties a decade prior, but Indigo Park’s version was scrapped after said AI proved more economically sound.

So, what was so blasted important about this obsolete tech then? Well, if Rambley can get this person to fit the instruments on his head…the AI could attempt to upload his consciousness into the human brain before they had a chance to react.

Rambley had NO IDEA if it would work…or if it would hurt his new companion…but there was no turning back now. Inside, the AI wanted to know what it was like to breathe…to eat…to sleep…to actually feel something…even if it was pain. Rambley only knew what was described in code, or from his time spent through guests in the good old days.

The young man stepped into the room. By this point, his brown vest and blue plaid shirt were dirt-ridden from his experiences around the park today. His slightly long brown hair was messy…somewhat wet from sweat due to the humidity and warm climate. His brown eyes scanned the area just before a large screen above came to life and filled the dark lab with light, and an all too familiar raccoon smiled at him.

“This is the testing chamber where all kinds of neat stuff were made for the park! This is actually where I was made, isn’t that so cool!?”

The human shrugged and gave a slight nod, setting his small green duffle bag down by the door. He then walked forward…soon inspecting the numerous devices that lay on the tables and floors…all cracked or collecting dust from years of neglect. Sure enough, the AI got the man’s attention with a whistle…and soon the latter looked to what Rambley was pointing down towards…the headset.

“Check this out, it’s one of our early gadgets that was in development to interact with guests. Pretty rad, right? I think that’s the term for it…considering the date the tech was patented…”

The human looked down…holding the headset with both hands…looking at the dirty goggles that were inside. Unknown to him, above…the cameras on the walls were all looking at him. They were linked to the Rambley AI, so he could see exactly what they were seeing. Rambley gave a wide grin…anticipating great things to come from this, “well then, go ahead…give it a try. It still works!” Just when the human is about to seal the gadget on his head…he looks at Rambley and notices him glitching (it usually happened…but this one…)

In the midst of his glitching, the digital Procyon lotor had unknowingly stated, “now you’re all mine!”

As soon as that was said, the person jolted and dropped the device on the ground…stepping back. His brown eyes widened…it didn’t take a genius to know this felt wrong after that.

Rambley went full defensive mode…brandishing his “furry” arms to diffuse the situation, “It’s perfectly safe, trust me!”

“Maybe I shouldn’t…” the human finally spoke. He rarely did, and when he did it was often to ask questions to his AI friend. All this time, the man thought of Rambley as just an AI following protocol…with a few bugs. Inside, he always liked Rambley for his bubbly personality and high spirits, but this felt sinister! It was a trap, and he knew it.

Rambley the raccoon ultimately sighed…closing his eyes in mock defeat, “I really wish you would have just…put it on…” Then, his glitching came back, and for a brief moment…Rambley’s pupils shrunk and he gave a crazed look before reverting back to his usual demeanor.

Suddenly, the machine had taken control of several wires that were headed straight for the visitor. With haste, they tried to make an escape, but the AI quickly shut the door on him…trapping him! Looking back, the human gasped and saw the wires grasp his arms and legs…soon pulling him toward Rambley…

He tried all he could to escape…but it was futile. A wire had taken hold of the headset and was being slowly brought to the top of the man’s head…soon it would be all over, and Rambley would ultimately be able to be FREE.

Then…one phrase decisively shattered all attempts made by him.

“Stop, I’m scared!”

The AI’s expression froze…as if the screen froze altogether, trying to decipher the familiar phrase. He knew what it was…but never experienced it. Rambley only saw fear in guests when they feared certain rides…dark places…or darkness altogether. This human never really showed fear…yes, they would try to run for their lives from the dangers of the park and their vitals would elevate considerably; however, here…his face was that of something the “raccoon” had never seen. For the first time, he witnessed the look of somebody who truly feared for their lives…as if it was about to end…and that scream…it cut deep into the AI’s programming.

“Scared…” AI Rambley muttered, “I’m…scared too…”

The human looked up, realizing what this all meant, “you don’t want to be alone…is that it?” He asked before the Raccoon nodded slightly.

“It’s more than just that I’m afraid.”

“No…I get it…I do…I didn’t see it then, but…it makes perfect sense! You want to actually be a part of everything!”

“Hmm…your heart rate is dangerously high…”

“Well, yeah! You were about to freaking take over my mind, what was I supposed to do!?”


Then, the wires that had snared the human had loosened and had dropped onto the floor as if Rambley no longer controlled them. The adult stood up…rubbing his arms and legs from the pain before looking up at the single screen…looking at the regret that the digital raccoon now displayed. The former sighed, looking away, “is this what you really want?”

The mascot pondered…well yeah…kinda! Yet, he didn’t take into consideration the aftermath of performing the procedure: yes, Rambley would have the human’s body, but he would have nobody…he would be alone again…

Plus…he LIKED having this person around, he is unlike ANY guest or staff member that he had ever been acquainted with. For the AI…this human being was special…

He thought, H-how selfish of me to have tried to do that to him! I should have never done it, he DEFINITELY does not trust me now…

“I…just…don’t want to be alone again…” he stated in a regretful and solemn tone, “I thought if I could take over your body…I could fix the park myself and actually be with people…”

“Oh Rambley…” the visitor muttered…stepping closer. He looked into a camera…knowing full well that the AI Rambley was looking into his fleshy eyes too. Realistically, the camera lens WAS Rambley’s eyes: it was a stone-cold stare…never blinking…no sign of life in them…it was just a machine…that was fact. Yet, the human was mesmerized by them…he was mesmerized by this Rambley.

After all, he came to the park out of nostalgia…to live out the good old days. He always held the raccoon in a special place in his childhood. By the time he was in High School, he didn’t have time to go to Indigo Park…so he never saw this iteration of Rambley the Raccoon. This one was different…despite all the technicalities…this AI felt like a person. They were certainly smarter than any AI they had ever seen before in their lives. It’s as though Rambley is self-aware. I mean, all this scheming couldn’t have been done with just his programming…the raccoon certainly took artistic liberties and such to fulfill his plan.

“I get it. You want to know what it’s like to be one of us…to be alive. You must feel like a literal prisoner inside that screen…” the human stated.

This statement surprised the AI, their ears rose all the way up to their head before they realized what they said, they…understand completely how I feel!!! H-how can I give up such a friend like him!? 

“I mean…it’s been a hell of a day…and I can’t imagine how you must feel. I just want to ask you Rambley…will you be happy if you do this?”

“Happy?” The raccoon looked down at him with a thought-filled look. He didn’t know exactly what happiness was, it was just a code to him. Yet, what if happiness was simply just spending time with this human…is that happiness?

Ultimately, the avatar’s ears drooped, “you didn’t deserve this…now you probably hate me…”

“Hate you…no Rambley…I…” the human sighed…looking away momentarily before staring up at the “animal” again. The next words that came out of his mouth were genuine. The machine sensed this through the critter cuff that was wrapped around the man’s wrist, “if you want my honesty…I don’t…I can’t bring myself to hate you. Ever since I’ve known your character I felt inspired…there was a charm that Rambley had on me that I loved. He got me through some rough times in my life…and lately I felt nostalgic. Meeting this version of you…getting to know you…I realize that I really like you. I want to help rebuild this park with you…I do! Now that I know the REAL you…the machine behind that adorable character on the screen, I want to help you more than ever.”

The raccoon avatar made a cartoonish sniffle in response, holding his hands up before smiling, “I’m so happy to hear that! Based on your facial data you were truthful in your words!”

“So then…” the human smirked confidently, putting his hands on his hips, “what do you say we continue on our grand adventure through the park together? You and me?”

Rambley jumped, twirling in midair before landing spectacularly, “I say…yes! I am so excited! Now I know you will never abandon me!”

The visitor nodded, “I swear on my life, I will never leave you Rambley. I’m with you until the end.”

Once that’s all said and done, the human went to pick up his bag as the door finally opened, and the rest of the park outside could be seen. He looked behind to see AI Rambley preparing to transfer to another screen to follow him. Suddenly, the visitor decided to make the big decision…knowing this machine was more than just a simple AI.

Now, they could get to know each other personally, “name’s Ed.”

Rambley gave a wholehearted smile as his camera focused on Ed. That’s a wonderful name for a wonderful person, the AI Raccoon thought to himself before he and Ed continued their lives…now truly together as a duo.

Rambley the Raccoon was no simple AI.

His dark intentions weren't immediately clear to his unsuspecting victim. Rambley wanted to be set free from the limitations of his current form and be the master of his own destiny. What will happen when he actually sets his devious plan into motion?

© 2024 - 2025 fefe46
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TyfiSignal's avatar

Is it possible to see more of this?

I know it’s probably a one time thing but I would love to see more