Favourite Movies
"Astérix & Obélix: Mission Cléopâtre", "I, ROBOT", "Fifth Element", "Lost in Space", "VanHellsing", "The Lord of the Rings", "Harry Potter", "The Pirates of Caribbean", "EQUILIBRIUM", "X-MEN"
Favourite Books
[Brem Stoker] "Dracula", [Charles Dickens] "A Christmas Carol in prose", [Johann Wolfgang von Goethe] "Faust"
Favourite Games
Guilty Gear, Morrowind, Oblivion, Skyrim, KHR Altor, Togainu no Chi, Lamento~Beyond the Void~, Marvel VS Capcom 3, Sengoku Basara 3, Sengoku Basara 3: UTAGE Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 2, Bleach: Soul Resurrección
Favourite Gaming Platform
Other Interests
Russian billiard, sport, geographic, cosplay