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New Account

2 min read

So, I finally figured out a new account name, and am going to reside here from now on:

So, if you would still like to follow me, please go over there! I will most likely post up some stuff soon to show you all what I have been working on lately -- namely pieces that have gone into my portfolio for colleges.

If you have found my work pleasing and would like to devwatch me, please go to the new account, and follow me there. It will likely be a little slow going or sporadic for a while, as I am going to be HIGHLY sporadic about uploading. A week long vacation is coming up, so I will definitely be uploading things. Like a nut.

And I will attempt to keep that account updated as much as possible, as I really do want to start fresh and keep myself working on growing as an art student.

(and yes, it is a nod to the Harry Potter fanbase, as I consider myself to be a Ravenclaw. Although maybe it would be better to be a mix of Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff, as that appears to have all ov my qualities.
But I still love poking fun at Hufflepuffs. I can't help it!)

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Absolutely no creativity lately. The new semester has started, and I am in the art room either two or three days of the week, depending on the schedule. Some days, my only art fix is band, and that's a different kind of art, obviously.
So, I'm going through a kind of withdrawal. Senior Portfolio, right now, is focusing on self portraits. Soon, we will have the "monumental's" to do. It's a 3 day project, on paper that is probably between five and six feet tall, with chalk and charcoal. It's a self portrait.

I'm so excited. /sarcasm

Still working on a new username, definitely getting closer. I might just say to hell with it right now and make a new one.

As I have said before, this account will still stay active, for scraps and such -- at least for a little while.

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I got tagged by :iconrizahawkeye-mustang:! D:
The Rules:
You must post these rules.

Each tagged person must post 10 things about themselves on their journal.

You have to choose and tag 5 people and post their icons on the same journal

No tagbacks.

Now you will know 10 things about me:

1. One of the main reasons this accounts isn't being updated is because I'm horrendously lazy. I hate having to take photos of everything an uploading them. D:

2. I name almost everything. Laptop, camera, DS Lite, iPod, phone, Wii, etc.

3. The only shows I like to watch on TV are NCIS, Bones, Castle, and Jeopardy. Everything else is from Netflix or Hulu.

4. When I'm on the PC, I tend to turn on the television, then turn on music (like Grooveshark or Pandora) and totally ignore the TV. Without its background noise, it's oddly too quiet, even with music. ;-;

5. The only thing I've doodled in the past two days is octopi. My teacher's little birthday card insert from me was an octopus with a top hat, and now I think the idea is adorable. So that's what keeps being drawn.

6. I can vary rarely go through a whole anime/manga series. I get bored. But later I tend to go back to them, then move away again.

7. The only things I can cook without a microwave are: grilled cheese, chili, spaghetti, and chicken curry. Which don't make all that bad of a meal.

8. I think one day I'll finally have my Steampunk costume finished. But the design keeps changing whenever I think about it (And I need to find a corset that isn't wicked expensive at a Con).

9. The smell of coffee is gross. Just walking into a coffee shop makes my nose scrunch. I drink tea for caffeine, instead.

10. Speaking of caffeine, it doesn't really effect me. I can drink a soda with caffeine in it before bed, and I can sleep like a baby.

:iconpotterpuppetpal: / :iconnoble-albion:

aaaaaand anyone else?


In other news, still thinking of a name for my possible new account. I'll keep you guys updated. When I get that all stashed away, I'll put up what I've been working on over the past semester.

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Don't kill me, but I'm thinking of starting a new account.
Yes, again. I'm likely to keep this one somewhat active, maybe a place for scrap doodles and whatnot; I just don't feel this account is really me anymore.
But, I'm going to sit on it for a while, since that is what I tend to do. I need to think up a new name, anyway.

In other news, it's nearly December, Senior Project is a pain in the arse, I need to get an interview for said pain-in-the-arse project, Senior Port. is not as crazy as it seemed a month ago.
We're currently working on ATCs (Artist Trading Cards) so, I'll post those when I'm finished.
Honestly, I should be working on my sketchbook right now, since I'm behind as usual.

Shameless promotion time. Well, it's not shameless, since it's not really promoting myself.
Subeta is a pet site, like Neopets -- however, it's so much more. It's far easier to earn the currency of the site, it's more friendly towards older users, such as late teens and up, and it's actually a lot of fun. There are events going on all the time coinciding with holidays, and there's opportunities to make a lot of friends (if you want). The pets have gorgeous art, and you are encouraged to really work with them, give them characters, art, stories, etc.
It's a wonderful place. I've been there for three years now, at least on this current account. I've probably been there for actually five years.


Might move accounts, keep this as a semi-active account for doodles.
Art is literally my life right now, next to Project-From-Hell.
Subeta is AWESOME. www.subeta.net/?refer=Twilit.M…

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2 min read
So much stuff to do. Portfolio Day is coming up, and I have, essentially, a beginner's portfolio. It's not very full or a very wide selection. I need to work on a digital piece, but have no time to do so.

There is always Friday night and Saturday. Oh, well.




I am doing Art Every Day Month instead of NaNoWriMo, since I have more time for a little drawing just about every day instead of writing 50k words in a month.
Holy goodness.

But yeah, I'm posting them on the art blog.



The original voices of Mustang and Hawkeye. SINGING. What is it with Asian voice actors and being able to SING. It's astounding. And it's jazzy. And I could totally see both characters actually saying this (in a weird, AU world in my head. Or years later. I DON'T KNOW.) But oh my god, I don't even like jazz all that much. BUT THIS.
I am almost crying I love this so much.
My gods, their voices are so amazing. I want to cry from happiness.
...I wonder if the english voice actors can sing.
Colleen Clickenbeard has an amazing voice just speaking, anyway.


...but really, the translation makes me sguee like a little fangirl. Which I am turning into.
I wonder who's fault that is.

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New Account by FayeMnemosyne, journal

Devious Journal Entry by FayeMnemosyne, journal

Devious Journal Entry by FayeMnemosyne, journal

Devious Journal Entry by FayeMnemosyne, journal

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