
Undertale Halloween special 1

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You, Sans, Papyrus, and Gaster were all going to go out trick-or-treating. However, only you and Paps were dressed up. You were dressed up as (fav character), you weren't exactly sure what Papyrus was supposed to be though. You didn't really want to think about it too much. You were currently sitting on the couch, waiting for the other three to be ready.
"come on you guys!"
"*hold on kiddo, we're just about ready to go."
"You said that five minutes ago!"
"*alright, alright, I'll go make sure those two are ready to go." Sans then walked back to the other room to make sure Paps and Gaster were ready to leave. He soon came back with Papyrus and Gaster.
"are you ready to go?" Gaster asked you, looking down at you. You smiled and quickly nod.
"I sure am!" Gaster chuckled softly
"I see, well let's get going then." You stood up and rushed over to the door. The three skeletons followed behind you. You opened the door and walked outside. Sans, Papyrus and Gaster followed, Gaster closing and locking the door behind him before catching up with the three of you. You smiled and walked around, seeing other children dressed up as different characters and such, with their families. The four of you went from house to house, each one having someone that gave you candy. You walked up to another house that looked pretty spooky looking, well more so than some of the other houses you went to, and walked up to the door. When you went to knock on the door, the door had opened and (something you're afraid of) popped out. You screamed and backed up into Sans, burying your face into his jacket. Sans' eye immediately started to glow blue, now becoming defensive. The person behind the door was laughing pretty hard at how badly you were scared. Sans held you close and Gaster glared at him/her, his eyes glowing blue and orange. (or purple if you prefer that instead)
"HOW ABOUT WE TRY SOMEWHERE DIFFERENT?" Papyrus suggested, and the four of you left. However, Sans went back, and using one of his blasters, threatened the person who scared you like that.
"*don't ever scare the kid like that. or else. u n d e r s t o o d?" They quickly nodded, and Sans teleported back to where you were.
"where did you go, Sans?" You asked, looking at him.
"*had to take care of somethin'. Don't worry about it, okay kid?"
"o-okay!" You smiled faintly and the rest of the night was spent getting more Halloween candy, until you started getting tired and the three skeletons took you home. You went to your room to change out of your costume and into your pajamas. Once you had your pajamas on (and if you had face paint, you washed it off) and crawled into bed and under the covers. You closed your eyes and soon fell asleep. Sans, Papyrus and Gaster later came into your room to tell you goodnight and a happy Halloween.

I have 3 Halloween specials for Undertale (I had a poll thing on wattpad for ideas and I chose the top 3)

Undertale belongs to Toby Fox
story belongs to me
© 2017 - 2025 FatalImpurity0
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