Ken Adams:farrarjo on DeviantArt

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Ken Adams:



The Second male protagonist of my story and best friend of Jin Nightwalker.

A seventeen-year-old teenage boy and a second year in high school. A very intellectually gifted High School Scholar and president of his school's chess club. Apprentice mage to Jin's grandfather and team strategist. In mind, as well as a talent for strategy and studying, Kim makes an excellent tactician for the team. After reading the may Beastie areas in ancient texts in Nightwalker family study and archives, Ken learned a great deal of information about the many monsters the Nightwalker family had fought over the centuries. After memorizing this information, can is able to identify, categorize and create plans to catch or kill these monsters from the smallest details based on their habits, behavior, material and weaknesses. After studying some ancient text from a grimoire Jin's grandfather left out, it became apparent that Ken had a talent for Mage-Craft. Upon realizing this, Jin's grandfather, Thallus Nightwalker decided to nurture this talent by having Ken read more his family grimoires and practice magic as his apprentice. After reading and analyzing these spells, Ken's New Master began instructing him on how to properly use the spells in combat. With training and practice, in no time at all, Ken was able to cast simple but strong attack and defense spells of fire, wind and water, and uses these spells to back up and support his teammates with whatever they need depending on the monster they happen to be fighting at the time. Along with his practice in Mage-Craft, Ken is instructed in the art of staff fighting by Jin's Father and Grandfather.
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