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Farabin on DeviantArt
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Conceptual design inspired by @tomskybromley on Instagram. Their minecraft statue design was brilliant, and I requested to draw it as an attempt to give myself the opportunity to have fun with a design that was not realistic.
Sebek, also known as Sobek, or Suchos, was an early Egyptian god who represented "fertility of the land" ( The Spinosaurus features the 2020 understanding of this extinct creature, though recently there has been some suggestions that imply it may not have been aquatic. Admittedly, I am still in favour of the aquatic spino ^^'
Done on Procreate.
Sebek, also known as Sobek, or Suchos, was an early Egyptian god who represented "fertility of the land" ( The Spinosaurus features the 2020 understanding of this extinct creature, though recently there has been some suggestions that imply it may not have been aquatic. Admittedly, I am still in favour of the aquatic spino ^^'
Done on Procreate.
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2732x2048px 822.94 KB
© 2022 - 2025 Farabin
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The Pharaoh of the ancient rivers