magic lanternFantakoi on DeviantArt

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magic lantern



I really love to work with SAI. should've started way earlier with CG.
so. many. possibilities :heart: I'm still learning and practicing, so I want to try out as many different things as possible.

He's an OC of mine, he belongs to my story "FurMoon".
That story is really old, but lately I work on it again.
I don't know why, but all of a sudden these characters started to appear in my mind again.
I'm really fond of it actually ; -; never forget your oldest OCs!

Maybe you've seen my previous drawing: He's Fabien's boyfriend best friend.
If you're interested in their story you can read the explanation in my previous drawing as well:

my OC: ... I have no name for him. he never had one? he has a complete story, but... it's even harder to find a name now. because I can't find anything suitable. :saddummy: any suggestions?
November 2012
done with SAI
Image size
1364x1929px 915.23 KB
© 2012 - 2025 Fantakoi
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