Turn it offfangqian on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/fangqian/art/Turn-it-off-385114145fangqian

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Turn it off



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When you start to get confused because of thoughts in your head,

Don’t feel those feelings! Hold them in instead.

Turn it off, like a light switch.

Just go click!

It’s a cool little Vulcan/Angel/Sherlock trick!

We do it all the time

When you’re feeling certain feelings that just don’t seem right,

Treat those pesky feelings like a reading light,

And turn ‘em off,

Like a light switch.

Just go bap!

Really, what’s so hard about that?

Turn it off!

- - -

So, I was listening to the OST for The Book of Mormon and this song had me in stitches!

Anyways, here’s why it’s Spock, Sherlock, and Cas singing the “Turn it off" chorus:

Spock, because Vulcan. Enough said.

Sherlock, because “caring is not an advantage."

Cas before he fell for Dean, because angels don’t feel.

art (c) ~fangqian
Dean & Cas (c) makers of Supernatural
Spock & Kirk (c) makers of Star Trek
Sherlock & Watson (c) Doyle, BBC, Moffat & Gatiss
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© 2013 - 2025 fangqian
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fanofyaoi's avatar
Wow. Spock is actually the most fitted guy to sing Turn It Off. :XD: