Fangfingers's avatar


Naughty No-shoes
640 Watchers147 Deviations

Saviour Self by Fangfingers, literature

Newer James 186:268 by Fangfingers, literature

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Saviour Self by Fangfingers, literature

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Deviation Spotlight

Lost Wonders of the World-1 by Fangfingers, visual art

Artist // Professional // Varied
  • Jan 14
  • United States
  • Deviant for 20 years
  • He / Him
Super Albino Llama: Llamas are awesome! (173)
birthdAy '09: Enjoys birthday shenanigans
Double Delicious Cake: But only half the calories! (2)
I Heart DeviantArt Gear: Proud supporter of deviantGEAR
Platinum Fragment: The platinum pinnacle of fragment achievement!
My Bio

Current Residence: ...In Cognito
Favourite genre of music: Anything from the late 60's to the late 70's when rock was young, raw & unpretentious
MP3 player of choice: iPOD
Favourite cartoon character: George Bush & Dick Cheny filling in for Pinky and the Brain
Personal Quote: How come your third eye looks like my second asshole?..~ Fangfingers

Favourite Visual Artist
Frank Frazetta, Jack Davis, Bernie Wrightson, Edward Gorey certainly others...
Favourite Movies
ORiGinal (50's) The Haunting (not Debont trash)
Favourite TV Shows
True Blood- GoT- Hell on Wheels- Walking Dead - Sparticus - Firefly - Carnivale - Homeland
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Badfinger, RareBird, Jade Warrior, 311, Judy Bats, Gentle Giant,It Bites, on & on..
Favourite Writers
Stepthen R. Donadson- Raymond E.Feist-Terry Brooks-Orson Scott Card -way more
Favourite Games
World of Tanks/Bauldars Gate1&2/Close Combat-Star Wars/Empire at War(both)
Favourite Gaming Platform
HEY ! ..PC all the WAyyYYY
Tools of the Trade
patience, humor, wit, sexual energy, pragmatism, instrumentalism, sagacity, and lots of the F-bomb
Other Interests
Sitting on a stool on my hands facing the corner like my mother used to make me do
Mood:            Hopeful Listening to:   Restrictions by Cactus Watching:       Worthless local NEWS, a horrid journalism scam, with news written by corporation advertising and your local church. Reading:       My own poetry revisions Playing:        Total War Shogun 2 or Titan Quest Immortal ThroneYes even your god can't believe it.  I know when i post this it's going to sound like a creaky, old, rusty door opening.... That's how long it's been since i've changed my journal.Since a clever friend here realized this is totally wasted space, she asked if i could spread her word in it. This has given me pause to wonder if i should rent th...
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Why do you watch me?...

88 votes

Cuz you watch me's about it.

My mother said i wasn't naturally you became an attraction.

One day, i hope to be just like you.....

I'd hate to end up just like you.....

I use your ideas and creativity on a different site and make a fortune from selling your prints.

You're one of the last strongholds of snark left on DA.

Like-minds think alike when they bother to think at all.

Initally you seemed funny, talented, and clever ...and you just happen to crash into my incredibly short attention span...Who are you again?...

Your art, stupid dummy.

Fuck your apprehension... i just want to see the poll results so i can be depressed with you. Man Hug ...What are friends for anyway?

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Which will happen first?

91 votes

New EU rules parcel up the internet into purchaseable packages, limiting the number of websites you can visit per package and legally turning ISPs into content cops for Europe.

Arnold Schwarzenegger will star in another action movie

The Obama Child will gain the last 35,000 lumens needed for his halo to shine brightly enuff to unite the whole world in peace, harmony, freedom and equality ( except for cigarette smokers who still get shit on for enjoying personal, legal freedoms)

Myspace Youtube and Facebook start charging to load content

Another U.S. State with money grubbing politicians will add products containing sugar to their sin tax list so they can leech more dollars from idiots who will just shut up and continue to be

In an unprecidented move AIG and the Somali pirates merge in a corporate takeover by AIG

Doctors who make incredible monetary gain will urge the hospitols they are connected with to call private citizens with average incomes and ask for donations to fund their equipment purchases as corporate funding dries up.

A huge coronal mass ejection from the sun causes the largest shutdown of a major portion of an unprepared world's electronic systems ever, for 2 weeks or more.

Sly Stallone puts out Rocky7, in which Rocky, now confined to a nursing home,fights local street punks behind the home at night putting up residents' $40.00 a month personal income allowed by medicaid Vs.cartons of cigarrettes from the punks as the prize

Hollywood, continuing to ignore artistic integrity, remakes another old film rather than turning to the 1 million interesting, fresh, and viable stories already available in printed form.

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Profile Comments 4.6K

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zasu's avatar
Hey Mr Fang, long time no see. You ever stop by the ol’ stomping grounds? I hang out on FB and Instagram these days. I call myself Valerie de Vincent there. Cuz, well, that’s my name. Dizzy Medli 
bear48's avatar
ActorzInc's avatar
I have a nosy question.  The glowing, fuzzy effect with fractals for nebula art - is that done in the fractal rendering or some kind of blur post work?  It's eluding me.  :(
Thelma1's avatar
Fangy, how the devil are you, just popped by to say hello my friend :wave:
Lilyas's avatar
Happy Birthday! :heart:
FractalEyes's avatar
Happy Birthday, Fangy!