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anonymous's avatar
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FeriFairy's avatar
Hey, I've got a question
I drew a picture and I don't know in which folder I should submit it to. It's a group picture of the Hetalia, Homestuck, Supernatural, Doctor Who and the Sherlock Fandom.
In which folder should I submit?
This is the picture
CandieAndFriends's avatar
Hey, quick question for the people of this group....

    I was going to make a Fandomstuck Ask Account? What do you think?
AGSonic's avatar
Sure, an ask account won't be bad
Silverfang10001's avatar
hey~ I created my own version for Desert-bluffs
I'm guessing that's allowed correct?
HetalianPony's avatar
Fandomstuck is made up of entirely oc's, so of course its allowed! :D It would be too much if one person or a single team had to design all of the fandoms, since there's an unlimited amount of fandoms, so fans just create fandoms and whatever is widely accepted pretty much becomes fanon (but you can still design that fandom with a different headcanon design)