Fallout-Legends's avatar


War Never Changes
Years Ago
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Comments 135

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SubjectRK800's avatar
Its okay to submit art into the drawing folder, I will sort most of them art into the right folders since there is something wrong with the folders and not allowing some submittion. thought I clarify that :) 
tar-dar's avatar
is there any possibility to open some of the the gallery folders? QwQ i don't wanna spam the drawings folder! Kao Emoji-57 (Kawaii) [V3] thanks!!! 
SubjectRK800's avatar
They might be full but I made other folders, hopefully that solves the problem. Let us know if there is a folder we might forgotten to create Thumbs Up 
tar-dar's avatar
SubjectRK800's avatar
IMPORTANT MESSAGE to all new members: WELCOME to FALLOUT LEGENDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D (Big Grin) La la la la 
Mattartist25's avatar
Thanks for liking my Hancock sketch, Fallout-Legends!  Stay tooned, I have some more Fallout sketches planned on my gallery!  Actually, who would you all like me to try next from Fallout in my style? :D
SubjectRK800's avatar
I would be interested!