Postponed works

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FaLLenAngel1312's avatar
I've decided that I won't be posting any more works until I could get a new software for digital art making. Until then, I'll only be looking at other people's works and fangirling over my favorite deviants arts heheh Yui Hirasawa (Don't glare at me) [V1]

I feel so left behind in a lot of things, especially when my interests are just piling on top of one another (school had started two weeks ago and I had joined tons of clubs despite about self destruction hahaha). But I'm glad I got back my mood for drawing. Until then I'll be working on improving my traditional skills first..

So here I go...
I want break!! Yui Hirasawa (Errr) [V5] 

© 2014 - 2025 FaLLenAngel1312

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anonymous's avatar
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Hanako-chama's avatar
aaah.... Is that why you seemed so busy these days.... Okay :3