
A Calamity

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Fallen-Angel42's avatar

Literature Text

The world is burning,
its crashing down,
and while its falling, we're singing loud!

These flames are growing
and there leaping from tree to tree,
the buildings are collapsing
but we just cant break free!

Amidst all this destruction
and this burning debris,
a child lays here crying,
what a sorry sight to see.

The flames are dying low,
and all there is is coals,
all we have left is each other and our souls...

But survivors are emerging from this calamity!
as we do we drop our eyes,
from the world we'd rather not be.

Yet from this darkness of ours
a ray of hope still shines,
we still have a future that is ours to control,
we will live life as we are able, as best we can!

With all this death and sorry,
all abound,
we're finding a new tomorrow
and we are singing loud!
yeah its just something i did when i was bored and was told to post by a friend, if its any good I'd appreciate some comments/feed back. sorry i haven't posted anything in a while, school sucks =P
© 2010 - 2025 Fallen-Angel42
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Guitargirl326's avatar
Hey M, you mind if I copy this out and show you the revised version with the melody at school tomorrow (Thursday)? Then I can get W.S. and B.H to help with the drums, bass and guitar. The words will all be the same, I just need to double up the chorus and mix up the structure of the bridge a little.
