Favourite Movies
Lord of the Rings, Twister, Clue,Pride and Prejudice, Sully,and Midway (2019)
Favourite TV Shows
Gravity Falls and MASH
Favourite Books
Harry Potter, The Belgariad, The Elenium, A Song of Ice and Fire, Fruit Basket, The Hunger Games, Pride and Prejudice, Lord of the Rings, etc.
Favourite Writers
J.K Rowling, J.R.R Tolkien, Jane Austen, David Eddings, George R.R Martin, Lynn Kurland, and Anne McCaffrey
Favourite Games
Mario Kart 64, Super Smash Bros, Pokemon Black and White and Super Mario Bros Wii
Favourite Gaming Platform
Nintendo 64, Wii, Nintendo DS
Tools of the Trade
Coloring pencils, markers, inking pens, pencils, watercolors, pastels, and of course the eraser.
Other Interests
reading, horses,video games,drawing,dogs, and annoying my friends