Yes, it`s been a long long time. Life has just happend. After 8 years silence, I am going to try to come back.
In this time I graduated. After then I got sick for a long time. That affected to my psychology and my body. I`ve tried to do some work, after I felt better. But because of the health problems I had to slow down many times. That was a fight all the years. And I couldn`t poorly find a job, which I loved and that didn`t make me feel sick.
We live in a very small town. My opportunities are very limited. Now I´m working in a fitness studio as all-rounder - just to earn some money, but I miss my photography very much.
All the years with health problems made me tired and caused listlessness. But I cannot handel it anymore to miss the photography. So, I decided to give a try. Because it was always the only one, what I wanted to do. That`s why, I owe ME to try it again from the beginning.
I am going to edit my old photos first. I should have already many of them. Then my dogs