FAKEMONIA's avatar


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anonymous's avatar
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EAMproductions's avatar
Hi, new to the group. I really like the 'region' idea. Is it possible to get my own folder with my own region name??? That would be awesome. I would submit all my work there. Thank you!
KuwabaraVSYusuke's avatar

sorry for getting to this late, yes, you may have a folder for your region, just tell me the regions name please ^w^

EAMproductions's avatar

Inibera..... Thanks!

KuwabaraVSYusuke's avatar

sorry for the late response to this, I have your folder set ^W^

OzoneFruit's avatar
Heyo, I've rebooted my Iselo region project recently, and would like to start adding again! Seems my folder is locked atm though...
KuwabaraVSYusuke's avatar

hey sorry that i got to this so late, been dealing with some things, your folder should be set to go ^w^

ZedKalEios's avatar
Hi, it's been a long time since I submitted anything here but I can no longer do anything with my Izaga Region folder.