Kung Fu Pony - Part 2FaithFirefly on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/faithfirefly/art/Kung-Fu-Pony-Part-2-263464861FaithFirefly

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Kung Fu Pony - Part 2



EDIT: Added adorable baby Po. :love:


So my first "Kung Fu Pony" got some great reception, and I just have too much fun making these guys, so a second batch of secondary characters was bound to happen. :D

Mr. Ping - Well, we had to have some species awkwardness somehow, so Mr. Ping is a pegasus....goat. :lol: Hey, nothing says they don't exist. And of course, his cutie mark is a bowl of noodles. :D Even though it's hard to tell from here.

Oogway - I tried and tried to find a minimal mane for him, but he just looked better without one. :lol: He's bald anyway. His cutie mark is a peach and peach blossoms, what he was represented by in the first movie.

Soothsayer - She started as an earth pony, only realized at the 11th hour that she would probably be a unicorn. Her cutie mark is her bowl with a puff of smoke shaped in a heart to represent her wisdom and kindness.

Wolf Boss - I'm very pleased with how he turned out. :D Everyone mistook my pony Tai Lung for him, I hope this one looks more like Boss than that one did. And the Pony Maker didn't allow for a bad eye, so I figured I'd apply that to any later drawings and give him a broken horn as well. :lol: Cutie mark is his handy hammer.

Master Thundering Rhino - Probably had the hardest time with this one. :hmm: Went for a tall, sleek look compared to the more scruffy disposition of Ox and Croc. You'll notice all three of the Masters share a similar Chinese symbol in their cutie marks, which is basically the symbol for a military counsellor - pretty much what the Masters' Council is. As well as that, they include that Master's weapon of choice. For Thundering Rhino, his trusty Cloud Hammer.

Master Storming Ox - Clydesdale comin' through! XD I could totally picture this guy with long hair if that kind of ox had a long mane. Still a stubby little ox tail though. :lol: Cutie mark is the Council symbol and his pair of maces.

Master Croc - I really love how this guy came out. :D LOVE THAT HAIR. I tried keeping the action hero aspect of Jean Claude Van Damme in mind, as well as the voice. I wanna see this character in this form. XD Cutie mark is the Council symbol and his halberds.

Soooo I really want to draw a scene from one of the two movies with the Kung Fu Ponies. :lol: But which scene? Suggestions?

Dragon brushes by :icondusteramaranth:
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is the last one a baby po?