Ex nihilo nihil fitFairyCompass on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/fairycompass/art/Ex-nihilo-nihil-fit-809303029FairyCompass

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Ex nihilo nihil fit



"ex nihilo nihil fit"

"Nada surge de la Nada" Ryan es uno de los personajes que me gustaron de 13 Reasons Why (bueno... muchos me gustaron XD) Pero Ryan es de esos personajes que aunque tiene actitud de "bitch", en el fondo le gusta que la gente saque su lado artístico y lo mejor de su trabajo, y tiene muy buenas lineas que hacen reír jajaja. Me recordó mucho a Victoria de Life is Strange jaja, considero que serían muy buenas amigas ;D

El trabajo lo pinte con gouache y el delinado con tinta. Quise practicar de colorear solo una capa de color, para tratar de entender mejor la aplicación de color y aprender a sombrear mejor sin saturar. El resultado fue de mi total agrado.

Espero les guste!



"ex nihilo nihil fit"

"Out of nothing comes Nothing" Ryan is one of the characters that I like from 13 Reasons Why (well, I like many characthers XD) But Ryan is one of those characters that although he has a "bitch" attitude, deep down he likes people to take their artistic side and the best of their work, and he has very good lines that make lol laugh. It reminded me a lot to Victoria from Life is Strange haha, I think they would be very good friends ;D

I painted the work with gouache and the ink liner. I wanted to practice coloring only one layer of color, to try to better understand the application of color and learn to shade better without saturating. The result was to my liking.

I hope you like it!

PS: in 12 days the third season premieres! 8D

Ryan Shaver (c) 13 Reasons Why, Netflix
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