2020 Day 32 'Personified a season - Winter'Fairy-Nuff on DeviantArthttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/https://www.deviantart.com/fairy-nuff/art/2020-Day-32-Personified-a-season-Winter-830341107Fairy-Nuff

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Fairy-Nuff's avatar

2020 Day 32 'Personified a season - Winter'



This is not how it looked in my head.
And I can't find my white gel pen so I haven't been able to add the snowflakes I wanted to the black background.
And the wings stopped looking so frosty when I inked in the black so I might get rid of them completely and put something white in over the top.

Definitely a WiP.
Definitely coming back to this later.
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1882x1420px 2.61 MB
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ZyriFrost's avatar

Its look so good like this <3 even not what was in your mind <3 its calmn and some how sad same time