I am a self-imposed hermit living in the frigid wasteland of ice, commonly known as Alaska. About half of that is true - come here in the summer and you'll see it quite green and happy, if a bit cooler than most places.
My parent's house is 27 miles from the nearest town and someday soon I might have a yurt of my own nearby (I'm quite fond of this place). There are mountains out every window and our nearest neighbor is a quarter of a mile down the road. We have 72 acres here.
My interests are like my moods - they swing from one thing to the next, sometimes in dramatic fashion. One week I'll be drawing pictures every day (or reading 7 books), and the next I'll be writing 40,000 words for a story. I have huge highs and huge lows.
Physical fitness is a driving force in my life full of obsessions that require hours of sitting down - I live a somewhat conflicted existence. Competition gets my blood going like nothing else though and losing is not something I always do gracefully (shame on me).
I love dragons. When exactly this adoration started is unknown to me - I'm convinced I was born with the lesser known "Dragon gene" (God gene anyone?) for they have inspired me for as long as I can remember.
I'm looking out for magic because I think there should be some in life.
I am a hunter and have been since I was old enough to handle a .22. I hunt for food and because I enjoy living in the outdoors. I love and respect nature. I also understand what it means to be a part of it. As a meat hunter, the conservation of wildlife and habitat is one of the other biggest driving forces in my life.
I mean to treat everything around me with respect and care, even when I act like a moron, which I'd like to apologize for in the event that you are on the receiving end of it. Do right by everything around you, not just the people.
Someday I'm going to travel around the world - the Universe too. I'm holding out that some alien will come cruising by and pick me up for a grand adventure.
Current Residence: Alaska
Favourite genre of music: Probably New Age, but I don't like to limit myself.
Favourite style of art: Graphite
MP3 player of choice: ipod.
Wallpaper of choice: Mass Effect
Favourite cartoon character: Marvin from Looney Tunes
Personal Quote: Suck it up, Kaasan.