Viajé por el ombligo del mundo contigo,Pero aun este viaje no nos pudo dar lo que nos faltaba.Subimos la columna verde de la Pachamama.En este waka cada árbol, cada roca se fijabaEn los abrazos, las miradas, los gritos entusiásticos que yo forzaba.Caminé por los templos del sol, de la luna, y del cóndor,Y con cada paso que tomé, rogaba, suplicabaA dioses forasteros, cualquiera que me escucharaQue cambiasen mi corazón a querer la tierra donde yo moraba.Y aunque no te quise, quise quererte tantoQue todo mi querer no pudo soportar(Los golpes de la vida: )Platos sucios, ratones a papel apegados,Piropos no solicitados, comida no vegetariana,Mig...
Obviously, I haven't been on in a while. I haven't done much of anything lately either (concerning art) but over the summer I painted some cheap Vans rip-offs with koi fish. Since my husband has a digital camera I might take pictures and put them up. It is nothing incredibly original, but I have a thing lately for painting clothing items and accessories with acryllic paint. I have some canvas bags and sometime when the midterms, 4 page papers, and 20+ page readings die off I hope to paint those and send one to my mom and the other to my mother in law (and one to keep of course ^^). The question is what to paint them with?Maybe by Christmas...
Mostly sketches... I haven't really done anything since college started.
I need to draw a comission for Crystal, finish coloring "La Belle Dame Sans Merci," upload a random profile view of a face I did in the lunch line that I really liked and also a memory-portrait of someone from back home [sort of, it was pretty hard], finish illustrations for Dragonchild, and possibly start an illustration for a poem I wrote in Spanish, "las manzanitas."
I seriously need to start thinking about what I want to put in my application for a Visual Arts Minor so I can get good slides of them in time and have a competitive portfolio...Erm, that's it for now....