Ganging up...Faeliscity on DeviantArt

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Faeliscity's avatar

Ganging up...



Did you never notice how similar their methods were?
Pop in, steal something, throw something, pop out. I give you - the Saavy-Jareth gang.
Fear on the city... :fear:

OK, so I realise only now that I forgot to give Jareth lacy cuffs for his sleeves... :ohmygod:
His highness probably wouldn't ever want to wear a shirt that doesn't have lacy cuffs! How preoccupying, my pic looses all its credibility...
... UNLESS... Unless he precisely wore that so that nobody could recognize him. His way to remain "incognito". :p

Saavedro's design belongs to the awesome :iconhalley42:, you need to read her fic!
Cyan belongs to the amazing :iconartoveli:, chronicler of His Highness the Goblin King.
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© 2008 - 2025 Faeliscity
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