Older YugiFableworldNA on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/fableworldna/art/Older-Yugi-985840999FableworldNA

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Older Yugi



How I imagine Yugi would look like in his thirties and forties.
I like to imagine that Yugi doesn't take crap from anybody anymore and does what he wants in both battle and dressing style. I can just see that he is one of those adult Goth who doesn't care that people is looking and just roll with it. He doesn't dress like this all the time. He can walk around in more brighter colors. This one the image is his battle style or serious get-up.

He is still kind and caring. That is just part of him, and he is probably not that fond of being on a stage to show off; he likes to be on the level with his fans and likes it when they just treat him like a normal human being.
Yugi still duels when he feels like it. He normally only goes into tournaments if Joey asks him or if Seto pestering him enough.
With him having made two games(maybe more at this time in his life), he has more than enough money to live a decent life without having to scrape for money.

I like to imagine that Yugi just likes to chill with his childhood friends or family. He likes games, so that is what he does but he still from time to time jumps into the supernatural because that is just part of his life now.
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2552x3504px 2.45 MB
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