Blue eyes, adoptable doe sheet .closed.EyesInTheDark666 on DeviantArt

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EyesInTheDark666's avatar

Blue eyes, adoptable doe sheet .closed.


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These girls are for groceries! Thought I'd whip them up real quick so I can get a little more than usual! :heart:

These girlies are £30 each (I am not willing to do full bodies for this sheet just because I have peep's waiting on them from the previous

My Paypal is:

"All payments must be made in the first 24 hours!

1. closed

2. closed

3. closed

4. closed

Ping list: @Charismaetic @WinterFrostDragon @thereal-K9DJ @gigi7899 @VCR-Tapes @BlueRunedEstorra @Spooks-Hena @Saesiphe @IIIXKitsuneXIII @LetaLysa @Laarikin @SimbaDoodles @creativeghostcrafts @00Milkteaqueen00 @Queen-Zafira @Kelltick @Ciccerus @ReddishPancake101 @Camyza @tkcanine @CosplayChick1991 @WolfnTiger @PaleDoe @OmenShockchill84 @TheMoonfallen @Boomboxfox-Workshop @royaltartlet @sky-limits @Valisie @Mary-Jen @motherofmoss @SaziArtStudios @KokiriKiwi @Neyture @Moonkelpie @AlaniEllis @Vishuni @ughs @rudnerr @rhosmari @ursuscorde @Jynxie21 @InkySh33p @Linnss @Leukopossum @BellamyLark @fawnni @norree @honestlyghost @SpookiePrincess @Sinixie @Timidbutler @JaytheMoonChild @whispersofancient @fishdumpster @twodles @SilverSeahorse @Goat-Song @LoneFluffyWolf @Crashfurs @Little-Latte-art

(lemme know if you wanna be added to the list or removed!:heart:)

Image size
692x952px 193.54 KB
© 2024 - 2025 EyesInTheDark666
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CertifiedBrat's avatar

I’d love to be added to the ping list!