Just a gal with lots of OCs (and the procrastination of drawing them...), the most beloved of which is the winged demon Bovkinna.
I am also a badge fanatic and give as many Llamas, Cakes, and Gems as I possibly can! Though of course, the latter two varieties require resources but I do my best 😆 No need to thank me for Llamas!
Also, as a reminder, I cannot use chat! It‘s impossible for me to type anything, or even read properly, because chat glitches so hard that it violently jumps all over my screen. Please contact me a different way (i.e. commenting or notes) if you need to say something!
Toyhouse: https://toyhou.se/Extra0rdinaryCPasta (since it’s not one of the social media options XD And I’m still figuring out that site)
So it turns out that the donation pool CAN be edited, therefore my goal is now much more reasonable XD Points will go towards giving Cake Badges!
Should I remain Traditional Artist since that‘s most of my gallery?
Or change my title to Varied Artist?
Thanks for supporting the work of NRG Comics™! It means so much to have your following as we grow in our goals!
And Awesome News- NRG’s Zener Vol 1 Kickstarter is now live, and we would love your backing support on this awesome comic series: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/nrgcomics/zener-master-of-the-mind-volume-1#
Thank you so much
Thanks for the 🦙!
You‘re welcome~