Where to fly?Exotic-Creations on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/exotic-creations/art/Where-to-fly-463939864Exotic-Creations

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Where to fly?



Where to fly? Who knows
Winds rapidly, blow
From branch to branch you go
When you see the sun, dear friend, let it glow.

- Vagabond, Misterwives

Well, I know it isn't perfect, but here is a gift for the wonderful mockingale for her birthday. :heart: 

Kanara is not the easiest character ahh but I managed to re-colour and finish this picture of her! She really is gorgeous, and I completely loved doing this. I haven't done a lot of maniping lately so I'm a little rusty, but I am quite proud of how this turned out! just ignore the wing oh gosh I couldn't re-colour it properly blah jahfjkhfgfakfg

Anyways, happy birthday! I hope it was wonderful! And thank you for continuing to inspire me to create art :huggle:


Kanara (c) mockingale
Background (c) neverFading-stock
Horse (c) Chunga-Stock
Dapples (c) 8thwonder-Stock
Wing (c) animalphotos
Lily (c) Thy-Darkest-Hour actual image here
Image size
1534x999px 1.84 MB
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Emily-NinjaCupcake's avatar
Wow this is lovely, and your recoloring looks fantastic!