Chronicles: Part IVExhale-NL on DeviantArt

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Daily Deviation

August 28, 2004
A great example of how abstract can be pushed past core explosions, Chronicles: Part IV by ~Exhale-NL is a great composition that deserves to be seen.
Featured by ekud
Suggested by portwolf
Exhale-NL's avatar

Chronicles: Part IV



After a long walk through The Forest our little pelgrim finally got out of this dark place. Injured but still alive, he walks through The Crystal City Pass to his final destination... The Crystal City... Will he find what he has been searching for, shall he find the anwsers on all his questions?

Some people seem to forget that this piece is a collaborative artwork between *gokar and ~Exhale-NL. I would like it of *gokar also gets some attention so plz visit his site as well. Thanks.

The Crystal City Pass
Finally it's here, the fourth piece in the Chronicles Series! It took so long to get an idea for the fourth piece and once I had the idea, I wasn't able to work it out... Then I asked my friend * gokar to do a collaboration with me and this is how it turned out... Way better than we both could think of and we hope that all the "fans" like this fourth Chronicles work. At least we had a lot of fun making it.

So big compliment to *gokar. It's incredible what a progress you made in such a short period. I'm glad to have you in my series! Bedankt m8 :).

Also a big thanks from us to *snakeart. Without you this piece wouldn't have been a Chronicle... Bloemen komen volgende week wel :D.
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1300x1500px 848.12 KB
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jemms2012's avatar
Un régal pour les yeux :)