A closed chapterExella on DeviantArthttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/https://www.deviantart.com/exella/art/A-closed-chapter-190706624Exella

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Exella's avatar

A closed chapter



ca 20 hours on photoshop cs2

been working on this picture on and off for months now. didnt really want to submit it but a friend of mine encouraged me to.

this is a picture that means very much to me. might mean something completely different to you.

just threw in some very weak colors. didnt want them to dominate at all. might change that later. im to tired to even think about it right now.

must have spent 10 hours on the ocean. I never draw water. it was a real pain. fun though!

comments and critiques are KooL!
oh and merry christmas everyone :)
Image size
9457x5608px 12.02 MB
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Fy faen du sug Tobbe!!
Menneh hmm har spillkonsept mandager da, og 3D stuff torsdager ^^ faget jeg har på fredager er ikke interesangt for deg:p
Tenkte å si ifra i tilfelle du ville joine en dag på skola her :)