It's been more than a decade since I last logged into DA, let alone upload any new artwork or keeping up with all of the excellent people I follow here.
What happened? Basically career and life took centerstage, along with several different things (both good and bad) happening. That, and I also forgot my login for several years until nostalgia encouraged me to finally reset my details.
I still doodle with pencil and paper from time to time, just in case you're wondering. But I've never actually completed any hand-drawn artworks that's worthy to be displayed in this platform or any others such as social media. Instead, I've been mainly focusing on two other things for the past several years: photography and writing.
The former has been my go to hobby, as cameras exist on almost every gadget that can possibly be equipped on your person nowadays - and not forgetting how vastly improved mobile imaging has become. The latter - on the other hand - is something I picked up along the way