EverybodyKickSasuke's avatar


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I have been alive this whole time, just not here. I've been over on my art blog, lickfoot.tumblr.com/ . I am currently cross-posting most (but not all) of my art from over there, but it's a significant undertaking. It's not as bad as it might have been, because I've started this a couple of times before, but the posts I'm making now were still drawn (starting at) more than a year ago. That's pretty old.

Anyway, hey there! Somehow, 149 of you are still around. I don't know how many of you are still active on your accounts, and how many of you are dead accounts from who- knows-when. Still, to any of you reading this, thanks for staying. :)

I hope you enjoy the new (to you) content, and that some of you join me over at my art blog on tumblr. lickfoot.tumblr.com/

it's the same link, i'm just being pushy. really though, if you like my art and want to see what i'm currently up to, it's the place to be!

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If you're interested in seeing my art as it's posted, please follow my art blog!! lickfoot.tumblr.com/
Unlike my main blog ( kawaiiglasses.tumblr.com/ ) I post ONLY my art there, so you don't have to deal with any of the other stuff.


That being said, I don't plan on abandoning my deviantART. Most of the stuff from tumblr will be cross-posted here. However, if the past year is any indication, I probably won't be all that active on deviantART, at least until something changes and I suddenly feel like it???

Anyway, hi to you all, and I apologize for disappearing again.

Thanks for sticking by me, and I hope to see some of you over on tumblr!

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I have no excuse. I've just been lazy and school was happening and tumblr is easier to just log onto and do whatever I guess. By the way, I have a tumblr! It's lickfoot.tumblr.com/ I mostly post Homestuck stuff. Sometimes my art, and sometimes also Yu-Gi-Oh. :D




And now that I'm actually back and have made this post I should be sticking around. :D

Happy New Year!

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1.You must post these rules.

2.Each person must post 11 things about themselves in their journal.

3.Answer the questions the tagger set for you in their post, and create eleven new questions for the people you tag to answer.

4.You have to choose 11 people to tag and post their icons on your journal.

5.Go to their page and tell them you have tagged him/her.

6.No tag backs.

7.No stuff in the tagging section about "you are tagged if you are reading this." You legitimately (AKA, really, truly, with all honesty) have to tag 11 people.  

Questions I must answer:

(from :icondeath-by-toothpaste:)

1) Are you an aardvark?

Wwhat is even an aardvark and wwhy wwould you begin a wword wwith a double letter

2) Do pineapples really belong on pizza? Really!?


3) Do people stare at you when you wipe your nose with your sleeve?

I wear t-shirts/tank-tops. This hypothetical situation is highly improbable.

4) Do you know how to blow your nose? (Because I don't D': )


5) Is it weird that I don't know how to blow my nose?

Actually I was talking to some people who only learned recently. So. Not as much as you would think?

6) Are you calling my nose a freak?


7) My nose is suffering from depression... why do you hate my nose?

Why do you hate my toes?

8) Do dragons make you happy?

Dragons can be pretty cool, yeah. Sometimes I look at you and I'm dissapointed you're not a dragon.

9) Why on earth do you think pineapples belong on pizza?


10) Pizza suffers from depression... when pineapples are on it... how does that make you feel you nose blowing, pizza hating, pantaloon wearing baboon?

Well I feel pretty good about it, I guess. Then maybe when I eat it, it'll be taken as an assisted suicide rather than murder? You've just caused me to ponder whether murdering someone who hasn't yet found the will to live or someone who is content with their lot is more depressing. 'Cause if they were happy, at least they had some fuldillment in their lives before they died? Huh. I BET YOU INTENDED TO SPUR ME TO THAT LINE OF THOUGHT, YOU CRAFTY PERSON.

11) Were you born with it or was it Maybeline? (I'm tired of only knowing that it could be maybe one of the two. I want to know for CERTAIN!)

Step 1: Shower
Step 2: Sleep on wet hair
Step 3: ???
Step 4: PROFIT


(From :icononestepinc:)

1) Do you want to date my avatar?

I dunno, I don't know if I'd be the right match for him. Both as an intellectual and as a person. I doubt I could make him happy, to tell you the truth.

2) Would you? Could you? Can you?

I can ogle him from afar.

3) Create an OC for me right now! What are they like and what do they look like?

Fluffy McPrissyPants
Species: Rainbow Dragon
Height: 5'3"
Gender: Male
Age: 394

McPrissypants is a mysterious figure who you know little about. He has appeared to you at infrequent intervals throughout your life, and you are not yet sure whether his intentions are good or ill. Most recently he borrowed from you precisely twenty-five dollars and fifty-three cents. As this visit took place several months ago, you have become quite cross with McPrissypants and his flighty ways.

4) Will you take the ring to Mordor?

Sorry, but I'm a single woman. I have no rings to speak of.

5) What's your favourite smell?

I'm not really sure. Yeah. I.... I guess I really like the smell of bananas. It's not my favourite though.

6) If you could hang out with one tyrant for a day who would it be?

But all of the tyrants that I love are ones that failed in their ambitions and couldn't rise to power, so I guess that doesn't really count..?

7) What protection would you bring to this meeting?

Uh. Um. A flamethrower? And a fire-extinguisher, just to be safe. None of this being trapped inside a building you yourself set on fire nonsense.

8) What is love?

That rare moment when your shoulders cease their aching.

On that note, sleeping in a comfy place.

9) What do you think of me bro?

I think that your really cool in the dorkiest of ways. BUT WHAT I REALLY THINK IS THAT YOU ARE SECRETLY SOMEONE I SHOULD HANG OUT WITH MORE.

10) Magic or Science?



Whatever can bake me a dozen soft chocolate-y pieces of cookie deliciousness faster.

11) Can I have your babies?

No. But you may bake me some cookies, if you'd like.

Sorry to dissapoint you, but I'm breaking the last rule. Actually, most of the rules. Most people I'd want to tag have already been tagged by others, and my library internet session thing is up in 4 minutes


GOOD JOB IF YOU READ THROUGH THAT. If you're interested in doing this, leave me a comment! I'll think up 11 questions for you to answer.


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So I'm really feeling in the mood for a long sentimental journal about how this is my last summer in highschool and I'm nearing the end of my secondary eduacation and all that junk, but it's also 2:30 AM and I'm getting up in six hours, so.

I didn't draw much this summer, and I apologise for that. I mostly blame tumblr, but the truth is I just haven't been very motivated to finish things. It takes me forever to do so- I don't know why, I just sketch, draw, ink and colour reaaaaaaallly slowwwwllllyyy. Especially colour. But whatever.

I have a bunch of things that I hope to get done in the first couple weeks at school, but my first semester is really insane so we'll have to wait and see. At least I'll get to see my friends. I was so lonely this summer because people were always busy. Yugimans kept me company.

Anyway, to all of you that are starting new school years, good luck! To my friends from school, see you on Tuesday! And to Abyssopelagic, HAVE A MARVELOUS BIRTHDAY, I WISH I COULD BE AROUND TO SPAM YOUR INBOX AND THINGS WITH BIRTHDAY MESSAGES!


ha. c:

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ALIVE, back from tumblr! by EverybodyKickSasuke, journal

oOOPS I DID IT AGAIN by EverybodyKickSasuke, journal

Hey guys sorry for disappearing for months :o by EverybodyKickSasuke, journal


BRB COTTAGE + Grade 12 on Tuesday /sobsob by EverybodyKickSasuke, journal