Haha, honestly, your art looks so much better than mine xD The only thing I've ever been proud of in my drawings are the expressions because I practically always nail them exactly the way I wanted and I can show almost as much subtlety as I'd like, but apart from that I really need to learn a thing or two, especially regarding colouring :'D (at least I definitely need to learn how to do it faster)
To be honest, I'm not worried about making future pages, but I'm kinda worried about the time it'll take me and/or just my motivation to finish them at all, for the ones that don't need as many details/foreshadowing in the background :/ I love writing/drawing this story, but that's also what makes it frustrating to actually need to also draw all the backgrounds, even the details that won't ever have a use in the plot xD
If you want, I started uploading WIPs in a stash folder (aka, the line of the characters with flat colors and every line of text that will appear in the final page) just in case some readers start thinking I'm taking too long to finish one page and wish to see where the story goes, while actually I'm, like, 3-4 pages ahead (or maybe even more if my laziness gets worse as time goes on). I'll always leave a link towards that folder on the description of the last fully finished page available.
I kinda wish someone else could paint the pages in my stead so I could gain some more time to focus on the plot itself, but meh. I've never found anybody willing to do that anyway, and I should learn to do it myself x)
In any case, thank you! I'm very happy that you enjoyed my story, and thanks for trusting me with this ^^
And seriously, stop calling your masterpieces trash. Your mastering of colors and shades is astounding to me. Here, have your watch back so I can prove it :3