EuphoniousCacophony's avatar


Currently: Alive!
23 Watchers72 Deviations
Taken from someone, I'll look it up and give them credit later
Are you afraid of:
[sorta] The dark 
[x] Staying single forever
[x] Being a parent 
[x] Giving birth 
[x] Being myself in front of others 
[ ] Open spaces
[sorta] Closed spaces 
[x] Heights
[ ] Dogs
[ ] Birds
[ ] Fish
[ ] Spiders  (I LOVE spiders :D )
[ ] Flowers or other plants
[ ] Being touched 
[x]  Fire (But I also like watching it, so go figure)
[x] Deep water 
[ ] Snakes 
[ ] Silk 
[ ] The ocean
[ ] Failure
[ ] Success
[ ] Thunder/Lightning (I love storms, so no)
[ ] Frogs/Toads
[ ] Girlfriends/Boyfriend's Dad (pffft I only wish I could be)
[ ] Girlfriends/Boyfriend's Mom (I'm unwillingly single)
[ ] Rats (They're adorable!)
[x] Jumping from high places
[ ] Snow
[ ] Rain (I looooooooove rain)
[ ] Wind (and wind)
[x] Crossing hanging bridges
[ x] Death (conflicting feelings here, I actually am sorta glad death exists because I wouldn't want to live forever, but I also hate the idea of dying in like 65 years or so. Ideally I could live for as long as I wanted, like a few hundred years. then die when I chose. :/)
[ ] Heaven 
[ ] Being robbed
[x] Falling
[ ] Clowns
[ ] Dolls 
[ ] Large crowds of people
[ ] Men 
[ ] Women
[x] Having great responsibilities (utterly terrifying)
[ ] Doctors
[x] Tornadoes
[ ] Hurricanes
[ ] Incurable diseases
[ ] Sharks
[ ] Friday the 13th 
[sorta] Ghosts 
[ ] Poverty
[ ] Halloween
[ ] School
[ ] Trains
[ ] Odd numbers
[ ] Even numbers
[ ] Becoming blind
[ ] Becoming deaf
[x] Growing up (See "having great responsibilities)
[x] Creepy noises in the night (isn't everyone?)
[ } Bee stings 
[ ] Not accomplishing my dreams/goals (I am living my dream (being content), so not afraid at all)
[x] Blood (not so much blood as seeing severe injuries, like bones showing and flaps of skin dangling and eww I'll stop now)
[ ] Dinosaurs 
[ ] The welcome mat 
[ ] High speed 
[ ] Throwing up
[ ] Falling in love 
[ ] Super secrets

TOTAL (I'm counting "sorta as 1/2):17.5

If you wish to post this journal, it's been requested that you title it, "I'm afraid of __ out of 72 fears"

If you get more than 30, I highly suggest counseling
If you get more than 20, you're paranoid
If you get 10-20, you're normal. 
If you get under 10, you're fearless.
I am......Normal! Yay, I guess? *shrug*

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2 min read
So I just took a Bargue drawing lesson. Bargue lessons are basically where you try to exactly copy a figure drawing done by a guy named Charles Brague. The drawing I used was this:…, so fairly simple stuff. I would try my darnedest to copy it correctly and would be so so proud of the result and then I would realize that the legs were way too thick or the head was too big or the angles were all wrong. I spent 2 and a half hours trying to copy one simple drawing and by the end I only had a rough sketch of the outline--and the torso was too thin and the entire legs and arms were at the wrong angles. 
It really made me realize how incredibly much I have yet to learn about art. I had been planning to live off my art once I become an adult, in only 3 years, but now I just don't know. I signed up for the class thinking it would be fun and helpful and it just made me realize that I was way out of my depth in that class. I don't think I've ever been this discouraged about my art. Maybe I need to rethink my plans in life. Goshdarnit. :/

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Awesome contest

1 min read
<da:thumb id="514328786"/>

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*cough cough*

1 min read
Click below!

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Hey! :icondahub: is giving :points: to people who watch, give llamas, and fav other people's work

You can also be featured if you donate some :points:

So visit dAhub now! :D

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I'm afraid of 17.5 out of 72 fears! by EuphoniousCacophony, journal

Goshdarnit by EuphoniousCacophony, journal

Awesome contest by EuphoniousCacophony, journal

*cough cough* by EuphoniousCacophony, journal

I'm doing this for points :) by EuphoniousCacophony, journal